Thursday, February 2, 2017

Current Events #4.3

1. What is the "nuclear" option that the senate may elect to do to try and push through the proposed new member of the Supreme Court?
The "nuclear" option that the senate may elect to do to try and push through the proposed new member of the Supreme Court is trying to get rid of the 60 vote rule to confirm Gorsuch's spot in the senate. 

2. How did Joe R and Teresa Lozano celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary?
Joe R and Teresa Lozano celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary by donating $25 million to the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio.

3. What does Silicon Labs make?
Silicon Labs makes silicon chips that are used for electronic devices.

4. Who are the 2017 Carazon Award Winner?
The 2017 Carazon Award Winner is Fayruz Benyousef.

5. What are four things you can do to make your Netflix experience better?
Four things you can do to make your Netflix experience better are piling on the pillows, collecting cozy throws, appointing accent tables, and blacking it out.

6. Long Response
Senate Bill 4 dismantles policies that don't allow law enforcement officials to inquire an arrested or detained individual of their immigration status. This basically says that any police man or jail officer can and is encouraged to question their detainee's immigration status. They also can and are encouraged to transfer inmates suspicious of being illegal immigrants to the federal immigration authorities. Said officials will be punished for not turning over the suspected inmates. The intention of this bill is "to boost penalties against offending local governments and to extend its requirements to university police departments." I think the local impact will be a lot of hostility towards the local governments by democrats or people who oppose the immigrant ban and similar ideas/ policies. That's the opposite of what the goal is, but many people in Austin don't believe it's fair or appropriate to hold someone as an inmate because a police man is curious if they are legal or not. I know that's exaggerating it a little, but that's how a lot of people se the bill. Based on the little bit that I've read about the proposed bill, I am not in favor. It will turn many people against local safety departments and will leave many immigrants feeling at risk in their own neighborhood.

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