Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Peer critique on Imogen's story--

1. Who were the sources?
Steve Southerland, Steviee Southerland, Heather Southerland

2. Summarize in 1-3 sentences the story:
Eldon Rainey lived in Spokane, Washington. He fixed the clocktower for the fair. 
When his life was coming to an end, the clock stopped at the exact time he was
 saying his goodbyes, as if it were having a moment of silence.

3. How many paragraphs is the story?

4. How many words is the story?

5. How many direct quotes are there in the story?

6. How many different people are quoted in the story?

7. Which quote is the most impactful of all the ones included?
The final one

8. Where is that quote located in the story (beginning, middle, end)?
The last paragraph

9. Does the lede effectively capture the readers attention?
Yes, it draws in the reader, but it seems like it's just thrown in. It isn't specific 
to the story. It builds up a huge event.

10.If their could have been one additional person interviewed for the story, who 
would it be?
Someone who knew the story, but did not know Eldon.

11. Is the story objective, which means are all non-direct quotes statements of
 fact and NOT the opinion of the writer?

12. Are there any unanswered questions that you have after reading the article?

13. Write a headline to go with this story:
"A Moment of Silence for Rainey"

14. Sum up your opinion of the story:
I loved the story, it was about something super cool! I think it could have been 
written better by getting to the actual even quicker and elaborating on that part 
instead of most of it being build up. Also, it was kind of confusing to read with all 
the brackets.

15. Give them a peer grade from 0-100

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