Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Additional Student Of The Month Interviews

Source: Summer's principal

1. Will the award be presented in some special way? If so, how?

Yes. We will hold a small 5 minute recognition ceremony in her first period class. SUmmer will recieve a shiny little trophy, and a dozen donuts!

2. How is Summer involved with the school?

Summer is a very involved student. She is in a number of highly ranked and involved clubs, as well as on Varsity Tennis.

3. How did you pick Summer to win?

Aside from being an all around positive girl, she is incredibly talented in sports and her academic performance. Summer put all her effort into whatever she is doing, and the staff believes she is a good role model for the other students.

4. What are the pros and cons of winning?

The pros are probably gettin recognized and free food is always a plus! I don't see any cons to winning this award. 

5. Why do you think giving out this award is a good idea?

I think this award is a good idea to give out because it gives the students a goal, and rewards those who are responsible, smart, and involved.

Source: Summer's dad

1. What was your initial reaction to finding out Summer won?

I was very happy for her. I immediately called to make a reservation at her avorite restaurant.

2. Will Summer winning this award affect how she's treated at home?

She will definitley be rewarded! Her mom and I are so so proud of her for standing out in such a positive way, considering high school is a drag for most children.

3. Why do you think Summer was chosen?

Summer is without a doubt one of the most involved, and extraordinary students at her school!

4. Why do you think giving out this award is a good idea?

I think this is a great idea because it acknowleges students' amazing accomplishments monthly.

5. Are you involved with the school?

Unfortunatley no, my work schedule doesn't leave me much room for PTA or anything, but Summer seems to be there enough for both of us!

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